Friday, March 7, 2014

Post #4: Keeping Up - Flipboard

I downloaded the Flipboard App because, unfortunately Zite was no longer available.  Flipboard is useful for seeking out information on a particular topic because it provides multiple links to varies sites.  Then if the user chooses, they can subscribe to the pages.  It would be very easy to keep up with stories on a particular subject because the app will push them to the "cover page" if you "subscribe."  There is a lot of content on any given topic, but not all of it ends up being useful - the user has to sift through entries that aren't quite relevant.  It is, however, better than a standard internet search, as it does provide a lot of good articles and specific topics can be included on the cover page.  I would use this app for favorite news sites along with hobbies such as music, hockey or gardening.  It would also work well for keeping up with current research on education or libraries, because of the subscribe feature - the user doesn't have to go looking for new, up-to-date information - it is provided by the app.

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