Friday, March 7, 2014

Post #7: Content Saving And Sharing - Pinterest

Pinterest is a site that allows users to create categories for various interests and then share photos, pictures and links with other users or share information of their own.  I signed up and created a category for "All-time Great Musicians" since I have an interest in many different musical artists.  I "pinned" other peoples' links and photos to my page that I liked or was interested in.  I found some pictures and articles that I hadn't seen/read before.  I also linked my page to some websites I frequent that fit the category.  It seems a lot of people really like the site.  It's a good place to share recipes or ideas for various hobbies and "interests" such as gardening, crafts or even books.  I saw some intriguing ideas for gardening as I looked around the site, but I think it ends up being a bit time-consuming.  It would be a cool way to explore books, since following peoples' pages would enable a person to find similar books from a certain genre.  It could also be used by teachers as a place to share lesson plans and as a way to keep up on current teaching trends.


  1. Great post! It sounds like you really gave this a lot of thought, even though you feel like Pinterest can be rather time consuming -- I tend to agree about this and numerous other apps and programs - there are only so many hours in the day! Good idea about teachers sharing lesson plans, though - I really like that! Looking forward to your next post!

  2. By the way, don't forget to email to ask for your badge since you've completed 5+ Things!
